LOGIN CoSHH Emergency procedures

Emergency Procedures

In the event of a person being injured, a First Aider can be summoned by using the First Aider Phone No. 0114 22 29333 *

In the event of a chemical release, gas leak or flood please contact:

DSO David Griffin 07783 831290 *
Elaine Frary 07768 927827 *
Joseph Quick 07783 831288 *

If necessary evacuate the lab before summoning help.

In the event of a fire:

If safe to do so an attempt can be made to extinguish using either appropriate fire extinguisher or blanket.

If this fails or it is not safe to attempt, evacuate the lab verbally, then the building by sounding the fire alarm. Ensure you report to the Main Entrance and speak to the senior person present; you may have useful information to share. If no senior person is present you should await their arrival, if safe to do so.

In the event of power failure, make your area safe and evacuate the building.

* Out of hours: contact Campus Control using the emergency number (0114 2224444)